Learn about your candidate as you get serious about the "Job Interview" you are conducting on your candidates.
Once again, Andy Gunther shows not only Christian conservative values, he also demonstrates he has deeper and more original thoughts on issues affecting all of us. With Andy's extensive 22-year military service, international experience, his Masters of Business Administration Degree, 15-year business owner experience, coupled with a life-time of servant leadership centered around youth programs, church, and the Haralson County Republican Party, and a desire to now serve the 14th District as your representative, nobody in this race has more all-around qualifications. Andy says, "I just want to serve this district. To make it an even better place to live, play, and work, to secure a future for our children."
Andy repeatedly stated that this campaign is a "Job Interview." You, the voters of this district will hire your next representative. The i-Voter Guide is another tool to evaluate all the candidates.